List of input explanations
You will see below in the following videos and explanation of how to use each input and or a combination of inputs together to achieve more profitable results of any trading system put into the money management program.
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Table of contents “click link to bring up video for explanation“
Inputs STRATEGY Definition
1 StrategyNameforAlerts(“Strategy1”), Name of strategy you’re using
1A. Strategy name input for trade station
Performance report for money-management in multi-charts strategy level
Performance report for money-management in trade station strategy level
2 Long or Short 1 = long -1 = short
3 Entry Condition enter your script here
Functions for more complex entry and exit conditions
4 Roulette System The system would look back X days and once it notices three up days in the last 10 day look back. It would either buy or sell short to get the same three up days moving forward
5 RouletteSystem_Lookback Input for the X days for the system to look back
6 Entry Order Type 1 = Next bar open 2 = Next bar stop 3 = Next bar limit 4 = This bar on close
7 EntryOrderPrice Price for 2 or 3
8 ExitOrderType( 1 = Next bar open 2 = Next bar stop 3 = Next bar limit 4 = This bar on close
9 ExitOrderPrice Price for 2 or 3
10 ExitCondition True is set by default or you would enter your script here to exit
11 Conditions Check on Last Bar true is default, False will allow us to place a trade for condition tomorrow. Example if you want to enter if tomorrows open is up or down
12 DollarStopLoss Enter the dollar amount of your stop loss
13 Exit Bailout_Bars -1 is off by default setting 0 will exit on the next bar in multi-charts.. In tradestation a setting of 1 will trigger a signal on the next bar but exit on the bar after that
14 Exit Bailout_Ordertype 1 = Next bar open or 4 = This bar on close
15 Exit Bailout_MinProfit This input would determine the amount of the 1st profitable open or close
16 MoneyManagement_Method(1), 0 = off or 1 For increasing position size after losses until the trade size is reset after a win. 2 For increasing and decreasing position size until reaching the BasePosSize then resets
16a Performance report on our money management configurations
17 MoneyManagement_Method_2_StopOnProfit money management 2 would stop once there was a profit
18 PositionSize_Method(2), 1 For increasing a % from the previous calculation. 2 For increasing and decreasing a fixed # from the previous calculation.
19 PositionSize_Method_amount 1 first trade percentage or contracts/shares depending on the settings under position size method
20 PositionSize_Method_amount 2 2nd trade percentage or contracts/shares depending on the settings under position size method
21 PositionSize_Method_amount 3 3rd trade percentage or contracts/shares depending on the settings under position size method
22 PositionSize_Method_amount plus 4 4th + tradepercentage or contracts/shares depending on the settings under position size method
23 Criteria_#1_Switch(True), True to activate series of losses in your trading system before a trade or false to deactivate
24 Criteria_#1_NLosses(3), Number of losses the system has before you start trading.. Once there is a win the system will reset and wait for losses before trading
25 Criteria_#1 ResetEachTrade 0 = off or 1 = will reset after each trade for a series off losses
26 Criteria_#2_Switch(True), True to activate look back period false for deactivation
27 Criteria_#2_#TradesLookback(10), Number of days the system will look back
28 Criteria_#2_PercAccurate(30), This percentage determines how many winning trades in the look back period Before the system will trade
29 Criteria_#3_Switch(True),(works with and without mm1) True to activate a drawdown before there is a trade false to deactivate
30 Criteria_#3_EquityDD(3000),(works with and without mm1) This is the amount of the equity drawdown needed before trading is started this is in dollars and will trade until there is an equity high then stop until a drawdown
31 Criteria_#4_Switch(True),(works with and without mm1) False = off or True is to start trading of % wins of last x days and stop trading after x days then wait for x days % win to start again trading …input #26 is the lookback period
32 Criteria_#4_PercAccurate_Activate(20),(works with and without mm1) This is the beginning percentage before actual trading starts—this % will activate trading at or less then the %
33 Criteria_#4_PercAccurate_Deactivate(60),(works with and without mm1) This is the ending percentage when no more trading will take place
34 StopCriteria_WinSeries_Stop (works with and without mm1) 0 = off or set the number of winning trades in a row …once reached traded is stopped
35 StopCriteria_Losses_Start (works with and without mm1) 0 = off or set the number of losing trades in a row …once reached traded is started
36 Start Criteria trade series consec losses start 0 = off or set the number set of consecutive losses based on MONEY MANAGEMENT trade series before we take a real time trade
37 Kwallace slow grind (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) 0 = off or set the number of consecutive losses before position size incease and decrease..losing trade increases and a winning trade decreases until back to orinal base position
38 Odds_Of_Next_Trade_PercAccurate 0 = off or input a % accuracy of the accuracy you want for the next trade… keeps a running total and recalculates everyday
39 Odds_Of_Next_Trade_#TradesLookback input the number of days to look back for % accuracy
40 SlowGrind (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) Input = # of losses before position size starts ..After each loss position size increases .. after each profit position size decreases until base position. uses inputs 18-21 for position amount size increase
41 Cluster_EntryCondition_Pattern “” = off or input pattern between quotation marks to turn on
42 Cluster_EntryCondition_Series This is the input for how many times you want the pattern to repeat before a trade
43 Cluster_EntryCondition_Price0 This is the bar entry one bar before the end of the pattern
44 Cluster_EntryCondition_Price1 The is the price of the bar you are looking for,low,high or close
45 XPercent_Accurate_Nlosses BEST FOR 40% & 50% ACURATE SYSTEMS (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) 0 = off or # input determines number of losses before increase in position size..if a win will reset to base position ..if a loss will keep increaseing after #X losses until a win then reset
46 XPercent_Accurate_Method (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) 1 = increasing % 2 = increasing fixed #
47 XPercent_Accurate_Amount (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) Position size increase % or fixed #
48 OutofWhack_Normal_Accuracy (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) 0 = off or input normal % accuracy of system …This method waits for a system that’s deviated from the mean in % accuracy then increases position size until the system reverts back to the normal historical accuracy
49 OutofWhack_Increase_Lookback (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) number of bars to lookback for calculation
50 OutofWhack_Increase_Accuracy (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) Out of whack accuracy at which position size will be increased
51 OutofWhack_Increase_Method (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) 1 = increasing by a % 2 = for increasing by a fixed #
52 OutofWhack_Increase_Amount (mm set to 1 and 2 bi-passed ) Position increase % or fixed #
53 PositionSize_Initial Input the number of contracts or shares
54 PositionSize_Override_Portfolio Input number of contracts or shares that will override the position set in the money mangement portfolio
55 Position Size Switch true turns on position size false it’s set to off
56 Position Size Percentage this is the percentage of the portfolio equity you use
57 PositionSize_MaxLoss(0), This is your stop loss amount….Formula …original investment plus profits divided by stop loss ( default is historical max loss)
58 PositionSize_MaxPosSize(101), This is the maximum position size the system will take for formula
58A. Initial capital and interest rate input for trade station
59 EquityPositionSize_Switch(True), True will activate position size –false will deactivate this–when activated position will increase based on original investment plus profits divided by the close
60 EquityPositionSize_Perc(10), This is the percentage size of your portfolio (profits plus original investment ) you would like to use
61 EquityPositionSize_Value close = default This is the value your investment + profits are divided into. A numerical value could be used to represent a fixed value ..used for futures trades
62 PortfolioRetrace_method(1), 0 For disactivating the retracement | 1 For Percentage retrace | 2 For Dollar retrace this will increase position size on a retracement once activated
63 PortfolioRetrace_Amount(10), If the portfolio retrace switch is 1 Then this value is a percentage | If the portfolio retrace switch is 2 this value is a fixed amount
64 PortfolioRetrace_IncreaseType(1), 1 For Percentage | 2 For Fixed Amount this determines what kind of increase you want to take in your portfolio once there is a retracement
65 PortfolioRetrace_Increase(10), after retracement is taken this determines the amount you will increase your position size by— When setting 34 is set to “FALSE” each time you increase your position size
66 PortfolioRetrace_ReturnToPositionSize_Initial after equity high When set for “TRUE” after a retracement by using the settings 30 -33 the base position will increase until it reached an equity peak then reset to original base position
67 Logging set to = true will give you results of the money management performance report in the output log MC Power language editor
67A. Input trades list file path: this is used to analyze the simulated trades versus the real trades. In an Excel spreadsheet format.
INPUT PORTFOLIO multi-charts
68 PositionSize_Initial Input the number of contracts or shares for all strategies in the portfolio
68A money-management performance report in portfolio for multi-charts
69 Position size switch false is turned off a setting of true turns it on
70 PositionSize_Perc(10), This is the percentage of account balance used to trade based on formula
71 PositionSize_MaxLoss(0), This is your stop loss amount… formula …original investment plus profits divided by stop loss ( default is historical max loss)
72 PositionSize_MaxPosSize(101), This is the maximum position size the system will take for formula
73 EquityPositionSize_Switch(True), True will activate position size –false will deactivate this–when activated position will increase based on original investment plus profits divided by the close
74 EquityPositionSize_Perc(10), This is the percentage size of your portfolio (profits plus original investment ) you would like to use
75 EquityPositionSize_Value close = default This is the value your investment + profits are divided into. A numerical value could be used to represent a fixed value ..used for futures trades
76 PortfolioRetrace_method(1), 0 For disactivating the retracement | 1 For Percentage retrace | 2 For Dollar retrace this will increase position size on a retracement once activated
77 PortfolioRetrace_Amount(10), If the portfolio retrace switch is 1 Then this value is a percentage | If the portfolio retrace switch is 2 this value is a fixed amount
78 PortfolioRetrace_IncreaseType(1), 1 For Percentage | 2 For Fixed Amount this determines what kind of increase you want to take in your portfolio once there is a retracement
79 PortfolioRetrace_Increase(10), after retracement is taken this determines the amount you will increase your position size by— When setting 34 is set to “FALSE” each time you increase your position size
80 PortfolioRetrace_ReturnToPositionSize_Initial_AfterEquityHigh When set for “TRUE” after a retracement by using the settings 30 -33 the base position will increase until it reached an equity peak then reset to original base position
81 Ensemble_MinimumEntries( This will only allow trades that have more then one strategy signal at one time ..input a # will determine the number of strategies input allow concurrent trades must be set to false*
82 AllowConcurrentTrades false = only one trade at a time will be taken in the portfolio True = Portfolio will take all signals on all strategies at the same time
83 AllowConcurrentTrades_Between False = off True = will allow portfolio to take one trade signal in the middle of trade series when moneymangement 1 or 2 is on
84 AllowConcurrentTrades_Groups Empty = all strategies are in one group ..”symbol’ = puts every strategy with the same symbol in its own group ..can make your own groups “Equities:spy,qqq,rty;metals:gld,slv;”
85 Portfolio MoneyManagement_Method(1), 0 = off or 1 to turn on all money-management in the portfolio applied to the inputs below
86 MoneyManagement_Method(1), 1 For increasing with losses until the trade size is reset with a win.
87 MoneyManagement_Method(2), 2 For increasing and decreasing position size until reaching the BasePosSize then resets
88 PositionSize_Method(2), 1 For increasing and decreasing a % from the previous calculation. 2 For increasing and decreasing a fixed # from the previous calculation.
89 PositionSize_Method_amount1(10), first trade percentage or number of contracts or shares depending on the settings under position size method
90 PositionSize_Method_amount1(10), 2nd trade percentage or number of contracts or shares depending on the settings under position size method
91 PositionSize_Method_amount1(10), 3rd trade percentage or number of contracts or shares depending on the settings under position size method
92PositionSize_Method_amount1(10), 4th plus trade percentage or number of contracts or shares depending on the settings under position size method
93 MoneyManagement_Method_2_StopOnProfit money management 2 would stop once there was a profit
94 Criteria_#1_Switch(True), True to activate series of losses in your trading system before a trade or false to deactivate
95 Criteria_#1_NLosses(3), Number of losses the system has before you start trading.. Once there is a win the system will reset and wait for losses before trading
96 Criteria_#2_Switch(True), True to activate look back period faults for deactivation
97 Criteria_#2_#TradesLookback(10), Number of days the system will look back
98 Criteria_#2_PercAccurate(30), This percentage determines how many in the look back period Before the system will trade
99 Criteria_#3_Switch(True), True to activate how much of a drawdown before there is a trade false to deactivate
100 Criteria_#3_EquityDD(3000), This is the amount of the equity drawdown needed before trading is started this is in dollars
101 Criteria_#4_Switch(True), True is to activate trading to begin and activate percentage and to stop at a deactivate percentage falls is to diss activate this
102 Criteria_#4_PercAccurate_Activate(20), This is the beginning percentage before actual trading starts—this % will activate trading at or less then the %
103 Criteria_#4_PercAccurate_Deactivate(60), This is the ending percentage when no more trading will take place
104 Kwallaceslow grind Input 0 =off or # of losses before position size starts increasing after each loss until there is a win then resets back to base position
105 SlowGrind Input 0 =off or # of losses before position size starts ..After each loss position size increases .. after each profit position size decreases until base position. uses inputs 55-59 for position amount size increase
106 XPercent_Accurate_NLosses 0 = off or # input determines number of losses before increase in position size..if a win will reset to base position ..if a loss will keep increaseing after #X losses until a win then reset
107 XPercent_Accurate_Method 1 = increasing % 2 = increasing fixed #
108 XPercent_Accurate_Amount Position size increase % or fixed #
109 OutofWhack_Normal_Accuracy 0 = off or input normal % accuracy of system …This method waits for a system that’s deviated from the mean in % accuracy then increases position size until the system reverts back to the normal historical accuracy
110 OutofWhack_Increase_Lookback number of bars to lookback for calculation
111 OutofWhack_Increase_Accuracy Out of whack accuracy at which position size will be increased
112 OutofWhack_Increase_Method 1 = increasing by a % 2 = for increasing by a fixed #
113 OutofWhack_Increase_Amount Position increase % or fixed #
114 Logging set to = true will give you results of the money management performance report in the output log MC Power language editor
115 Input trades list file path: this is used to analyze the simulated trades versus the real trades. In an Excel spreadsheet format.